[ SMART PAINTS ] Epoxy Be4 Finish For Industrial Floor And Steel Structure (4L base + 1L hardener)
Category: Smart Paints
30 cm (Length) x 30 cm (Width) x 30 cm (Height)
SMART EPOXY BE4 FINISH is a two-pack amine-adduct cured epoxy finish for use on steel and cement surfaces where chemical, oil and abrasion resistant coating is required. If it is to be applied over steel, it has to be used in combination with the appropriate primers as recommend-ed below. If it is to be applied over concrete the surface should be acid-treated prior to application.
For application on heavy structural steelwork & flooring.
Surface Preparation
The surface must be treated with about 5% sulphuric acid solution until effervescence has stopped. It should be washed thoroughly with clean water and allowed to dry completely before coating it with Smart Epoxy BE4 Finish.
Recommended no. of coats: 1 – 3 coats
Recommended film thickness per coat: 50 – 80 microns for dry film; and 100 – 160 microns for wet film.
Surface to be painted must be dry and free from grease, dirt and other contaminants. Steel surfaces should be sanded or wire brushed to remove mill scales and rust. Abrasive blast cleaning to minimum Sa 2 ½ ISO 8501-1:1998 or other equivalent international standard.
Surface must be free from any abrasive residues, dirt, oil and grease and other contaminants prior to painting.
Previously Painted
Remove all loose, defective and unstable paint film. Rusted and defective area should be sanded. Sound paint film should also be sanded to provide anchorage for new coating.
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